Specialisation training

The CPO provides the necessary management, in the area of education and otherwise, for the following types of specialisation training:

Grotius specialisation training

The Foundation Grotius Academie provides postgraduate specialisation training for lawyers who have been working at in the legal profession, in the notarial profession, in the business community or in government for at least three years and already have a sound basic knowledge of the legal area in question.
> Website Grotius specialisation training

Insolvency law for Liquidators

The CPO organizes the training Insolvency law for Receivers in cooperation with the district courts of Arnhem,’s-Hertogenbosch, Roermond and Zutphen. Employees must have been working as an attorney for at least two years, must have taken the VSO course The basics of insolvency law through the CPO (or a similar course) and must have shadowed liquidators for at least two bankruptcies.
> Website Insolvency Law for Liquidators